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Reading Hall  » Toefl Writing Practice - 13 / Topic 2

Parents influence greatly their children for a lifetime. I think people are moulded by two factors, family and the society that they are in. From birth, humans are influenced by the surrounding people for their characteristics. Parents take a big role in bringing up children, which affects their lives for a long time.

In early infanthood, babies are looking for mums and dads to learn basic manners to be accepted in society. Some of these manners include not running around in restaurants or hitting other kids. As they grow up, they learn more from parents about social etiquette, which makes them more suitable to live in society. Children tend to look to their parents for role models knowingly or unknowingly.

Besides, parents can also affect children's study habits. Children of doctors, lawyers, investment bankers, and other professionals see their mothers and fathers work a lot of time, reading books, and punching keyboards, even at home. They are showing their children how to study by their own behaviour.

However, parents can also be a bad example for their kids. It is difficult for children who have abusive parents to lead a normal childhood and is possible that they may become similar to their abusive parents when they grow up. In this sense, the parents' negative role in shaping the children's personality cannot be emphasised more.

In conclusion, parents are the best teachers for their children. They leave big marks on their children's lives and are therefore more influential teachers than any others they may have in their lives.

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