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Reading Hall  » Toefl Writing Practice - 35 / Topic 8


            When asked about what has been brought by television, different people have different answers.

            There are some people who do npt like TV saying that television has destroyed communications among friends and family. however other people take a negative attitude on this issue. In my opinion, I disagree with the above statement. The reasons are given below.

            Television is only one instrument for people to relax. There are many ways of amusement for people to select after working time nowadays. You can select to meet your friends, to accompany your parents or to take part in some sports activities. Watching TV at home is simply one way to live. It is too narrowly to regard TV as one main reason to damage the relationship among friends and family just because some people have spent a lot of time on it.

            Another reason that I disagree with the above statement is that TV can provide some additional topics for communication among friends and family. Talking about the news, the soap drama or soccer game watching on the TV last night is also good communication ways to increase your affections with your friends and your family. Also sometimes, skipping one TV program could probably make you lose voices among your friends.

            Last but not least, watching TV is one good medicine to cure loneliness when your friends and parents cannot accompany you. I would not forget the warm which was brought by the TV when along outside the hometown.

            I can not deny that some people have ignored friends and family when they are addicted to watching TV. However, everything has its two sides. All the factors mentioned above determined me to draw the conclusion that it is not reasonable to say television has destroyed communications among friends and family.

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